8 week introductory course - southern France

Tuesday, 13 October 2015 - 7:30pm to 9:30pm

Cost: £219 for an eight week exploration of the world's prime regions. 

Dates: Tuesday evenings from 29th September to 17th November, 19.30 - 21.30.

Bookings: in advance please, to Colin sales@uncorked.co.uk or on 020 7638 5998

Learn how to taste and how grapes are grown and wine is made. Sixteen hours tuition and 48 wines to taste may sound like a lot - and in fact it's just enough to raise a corner of the curtain to see just how fascinating the world of wine is. So don't expect to have learned it all. But be prepared to be educated and entertained on this first step of the journey.

Session 3

Southern France and an introduction to the main delimited area quality system used in Europe. We will look at two of France's most famous regions: the Rhone and Bordeaux, amongst others.