Hundred Hills is the result of an exhaustive search (in which they looked at rather more than a hundred hills) to find the ideal site to grow vines for sparkling wine in the UK - something with far more specific requirements than the recent spate of random plantings might suggest! The UK remains a very marginal, very wet, climate for vinegrowing, and well-drained slopes with the ideal aspect to the sun are a key requirement for high-quality wines.
They found their ideal place in the sun in Oxfordshire, in the Stonor Valley, and begain planting. They expected to begin making wine around 2020, but in 2016 the harvest was so impressive they decided to start a little early! They are now beginning to establish themselves as one of the UK's most impressive quality-centric producers, and we are very pleased to have welcomed them into the range at Uncorked. Join us this Thursday to taste a selection of their wines - and keep an eye out for a mixed case offer...
Thursday, 15 June 2023 - 12:00pm to 5:30pm